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Wireless sensor networks and service-oriented architecture, as suitable approaches to be applied into ITS

Published: 23 May 2012 Publication History


In this paper, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approaches are analyzed given that represent both emerging and key role for Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS). However, It is worth noting that WSN and SOA approaches have begun to be applied into ITS separately and day by day these approaches tend to be combined to get the best outcomes for both safety and security for ITS applications. For this reason, a discussion of the principals ITS applications of these two approaches and a case study, that has been designed and implemented to illustrate their advantages, are presented. The case study is focused on support a very useful ITS service associated with the localization of parking spaces.


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EATIS '12: Proceedings of the 6th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
May 2012
411 pages
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  • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
  • UFS: Federal University of Sergipe
  • UNAB: Autonomous University of Bucaramanga
  • EATIS: Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 May 2012


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  1. ITS
  2. SOA
  3. WSN
  4. intelligent transportation systems
  5. navigation
  6. parking systems
  7. service-oriented architecture
  8. web services
  9. wireless sensors networks


  • Research-article


  • UFS
  • UNAB

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  • (2018)Challenges and research directions for Internet of ThingsTelecommunications Systems10.1007/s11235-017-0343-y67:2(367-385)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018
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