The 15th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2012) marks a milestone in the research on using components to build software systems in an efficient way. Over the years, this symposium has established a track record of bringing together researchers and practitioners from a variety of disciplines to promote a better understanding of CBSE from diverse perspectives, and to engage in active discussion and debate.
Component-based software engineering continues to attract interest and evolve as a discipline for the rapid assembly of flexible software systems. CBSE combines elements of software requirements engineering, architecture, design, verification, testing, configuration and deployment. The role of and need for CBSE in industrial application remains critical.
New trends in global services, distributed systems architectures, dynamically adaptable systems, and large-scale software systems often cross organizational boundaries and push the limits of established component-based methods, tools, and platforms. Innovative solutions from diverse paradigms (e.g., service-, aspect-, and agent-oriented) are needed to address these emerging trends. Topics of interest for CBSE 2012 therefore include, but are not limited to, the following:
Specification, architecture, and design of component models and component-based systems
Software quality assurance for component-based engineering
Verification, testing and certification of component-based systems
Component composition, binding, and dynamic adaptation
Component-based engineering with agents, aspects, or services
Component-based product line engineering
Non-functional properties (quality of service attributes) in component-based engineering
Patterns and frameworks for component-based engineering
Tools and methods for component-based engineering
Industrial experience using component-based software development
Empirical studies in component-based software engineering
Teaching component-based software engineering
In addition to the above, this year we have a special theme: Components for Achieving Long-Lived Systems. Many industrial systems have very strict requirements for uninterrupted operation. There are examples of systems that have aimed to provide continuous operation for more than 15 years (that is, since the first CBSE!). Such requirements place significant demands on the underlying architecture, mandating that the architecture be very well understood and carefully designed. In turn, the architecture, if implemented correctly, forms a foundation for achieving critical quality attributes such as dependability, robustness, usability, and flexibility. The principles of component-based software engineering offer a promise for achieving effective architectures for long-lived systems. This is especially so since this approach natively provides the ability to add, remove, replace, and/or modify components during operation. A related class of approaches deals with self-management in component-based systems in order to ensure continuous operation.
CBSE 2012 received 50 submissions, each of which received at least three independent reviews by the CBSE Program Committee. The careful review process included an on-line discussion, after which 11 papers (22%) have been accepted for publication in this volume as full papers. Eleven more submissions have been selected as short papers. We have assembled an exciting program that shows that this is still a very vibrant and relevant community. We hope to see you at CBSE 2012 in Bertinoro!
This year, CBSE is again part of the federated event CompArch, together with "QoSA 2012: 8th International ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures," "ISARCS 2012: 3rd International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems," "WCOP 2012: 17th International Doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture," and "ROSS 2012: Workshop on Reusing Open-Source Components."
Proceeding Downloads
Speed and innovation through architecture
The nature of software system development is changing. Rather than building systems according to specification, innovation processes and customer intimacy are at the heart of software development, requiring unprecedented levels of agility and speed. In ...
Modeling parameter and context dependencies in online architecture-level performance models
Modern service-oriented enterprise systems have increasingly complex and dynamic loosely-coupled architectures that often exhibit poor performance and resource efficiency and have high operating costs. This is due to the inability to predict at run-time ...
Rapid prototyping of domain-specific architecture languages
Software architecture has become a sensitive discipline, which consists in concretizing the user requirements into a set of artifacts that can be used to model and reason about the software to be developed. However, the architect often relies on its own ...
Towards modeling reconfiguration in hierarchical component architectures
Today's real-time embedded systems operate in frequently changing environments on which they react by self-adaptations. Such an approach needs adequate modeling support of these reconfigurations to enable verification of safety properties, e.g., by ...
Semantic mappings between service, component and agent models
Regarding the design and the development of distributed applications, service, component and agent oriented approaches provide their own interests and characteristics. Most of current applications are designed according to a single approach but it would ...
A dynamic and service-oriented component model for python long-lived applications
Dynamic runtime adaptations are a key feature for long-running applications. One of the most used languages for writing this kind of applications is Java, due to its reflection features, popularity and dynamism. However, as dynamic scripting languages (...
Incremental construction of component-based systems
Building large and complex systems in one step (the 'big bang' approach) is a very challenging task, given that humans can only deal with a limited measure of complexity at a time. A more practical approach would be to build such systems incrementally, ...
Learning from the future of component repositories
An important aspect of the quality assurance of large component repositories is the logical coherence of component metadata. We argue that it is possible to identify certain classes of such problems by checking relevant properties of the possible future ...
15 years of CBSE symposium: impact on the research community
In 2012, the International Symposium on Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) is being organized for the 15th time. This is a great opportunity to take a step back and reflect on the impact of the symposium over these 15 years. Several interesting ...
Controller patterns for component-based reactive control software systems
It is considered good practice in control software design to distinguish computation and coordination on the architectural level. Current component models largely fail to provide distinct abstractions for that purpose. In this paper, we introduce such ...
Iterative and incremental development of component-based software architectures
While the notion of components has had a major positive impact on the way software architectures are conceptualized and represented, they have had relatively little impact on the processes and procedures used to develop software systems. In terms of ...
Reliability analysis in component-based development via probabilistic model checking
Engineering of highly reliable systems requires support of sophisticated design methods allowing software architects to competently decide between various design alternatives already early in the development process. Architecture-based reliability ...
Property networks allowing oracle-based mode-change propagation in hierarchical components
Strong pressure on deployment of embedded control systems on a low-cost hardware leads to the need of optimizing software architectures to minimize resource demands. Nevertheless, releasing the resources not needed in specific phases of system execution ...
Unblockable compositions of software components
We present a new automata-based interface model describing the interaction behavior of software components. Contrary to earlier component- or interface-based approaches, the interface model we propose specifies all the non-blockable interaction ...
Towards well-formed fragment composition with reference attribute grammars
Invasive Software Composition (ISC) provides a generic, flexible and powerful approach for software composition. Based upon the principles of grey-box composition, ISC systems can compose partial programs (fragments) and provide syntactic (context-free) ...
Component and aspect-based service product line for pervasive systems
Pervasive systems have experienced an increase in demand due to the evolution and popularity of mobile devices and embedded systems. The development of applications for these systems imposes new challenges due to the necessity of adapting these ...
An MDE approach to address synchronization needs in component-based real-time systems
In this work we present a strategy for addressing synchronization requirements in the model-driven component-based development of high-integrity real-time systems. The strategy we use regards separation of concerns as the cornerstone of the component-...
A dynamic component model for cyber physical systems
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) offer new ways for people to interact with computing systems: every thing now inte- grates computing power that can be leveraged to provide safety, assistance, guidance or simply comfort to users. CPS are long living and ...
Jasmin: an alternative for secure modularity inside the digital home
The Digital Home (DH) is emerging as a distributed platform hosting services for the end user. This promising home environment depends on availability of numerous value-added services for the DH. Therefore DH implies to fullfil several requirements. (i) ...
Timing analysis of component-based embedded systems
The recent trend towards applying component-based and model-driven approaches also to the development of safety-critical real-time embedded systems, opens new possibilities for model-level analysis of aspects that traditionally are analysed very late in ...
Adaptive monitoring of end-user OSGi-based home boxes
In-production performance monitoring is required for dynamic and modular systems open to third-party applications such as the OSGi-based smart home box that home actors envision today. Existing approaches are not suitable for inproduction monitoring as ...
Local dynamic update for component-based distributed systems
Dynamic evolution is a key aspect of the design, development, and maintenance of complex and distributed software systems built by integrating components. Evolution, traditionally obtained by producing software upgrades, may derive from changes in the ...
An architectural approach to ensure globally consistent dynamic reconfiguration of component-based systems
One of the key issues that should be considered when addressing reliable evolution is to place a software system in a consistent status before and after change. This issue becomes more critical at runtime because it may lead to the failure on running ...
Towards mode switch handling in component-based multi-mode systems
Component-based software engineering (CBSE) is becoming a prominent solution to the development of complex embedded systems. Meanwhile, partitioning system behavior into different modes is an effective approach to reduce system complexity. Combining the ...
Cited By
- Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component Based Software Engineering