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Code comprehension problems as learning events

Published: 03 July 2012 Publication History


Code comprehension problems have been shown to be effective assessment items in computer science education. In this paper we present qualitative and quantitative results of a study evaluating the effectiveness of code comprehension questions with feedback as learning events. Students taking an introductory programming course that satisfies a university requirement interacted with an online tutoring system using code comprehension problems about simple array algorithms as a part of a homework assignment. Students answered the problems in their own words first, before selecting a multiple choice option from the system.
Both the open-ended and multiple-choice responses were collected and analyzed. Results indicate that code comprehension questions with appropriate feedback can be learning events. The use of open-ended and multiple choice responses to the same question is also shown to be useful in refining distracter items for future assessment. Recommendations from this study can be applied not only to tutoring systems, but also to the type of interactions used in worked examples in class lecture and textbook production.


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ITiCSE '12: Proceedings of the 17th ACM annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education
July 2012
424 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 03 July 2012


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  1. code comprehension
  2. feedback
  3. tutoring system
  4. worked examples


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