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10.1145/2325296.2325346acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiticseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Spaghetti for the main course?: observations on the naturalness of scenario-based programming

Published: 03 July 2012 Publication History


Scenario-based programming is an approach to software development which calls for developing independent software modules to describe different behaviors that a system should or should not follow, and then coordinating the interwoven execution of these modules at run time. We show that patterns previously shown to exist in programs written in the Scratch environment, which is not specifically scenario oriented, by children who did not have other training, and were not guided to write in a scenario-based manner, are also characteristic to scenario-based programming. These patterns include extremely fine-grain decomposition and bottom-up development. This result suggests that scenario-based programming concepts are "natural" in some ways. Thus, with an appropriate environment and a matching set of tools, scenario-based programming concepts could have an important role in early-stage computer-programming curricula.


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ITiCSE '12: Proceedings of the 17th ACM annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education
July 2012
424 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 03 July 2012


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  1. aspect-oriented programming
  2. behavioral programming
  3. bpj
  4. habits
  5. live sequence charts
  6. lsc
  7. natural programming
  8. rule based systems
  9. scenario-based programming
  10. scratch


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