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Evaluating performance and acceptance of older adults using freehand gestures for TV menu control

Published: 04 July 2012 Publication History


In this paper, we explore alternative TV menu control methods, focusing specifically on older users. We investigated performance and acceptance of freehand gestures by implementing several techniques and conducting a user study with 24 older adults. We expected that older adults would like gesture techniques as they are generally fun to use and easy to conduct. As a possible alternative to physical remote control, gesture techniques may also introduce some physical activity for older adults (positive health effects). In the user study, we compared four different kinds of freehand gesture interaction to control a corresponding TV menu, investigating specifically on abilities of older adults. Each of the interaction types was analyzed regarding task completion time, error rate, usability and acceptance. Results showed that directly transferring tracked hand movements to control a cursor on a TV achieved the best performance and was preferred by the users. In general, the participating older adults showed a very positive attitude towards gesture-based interactions.


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    EuroITV '12: Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video
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    Published: 04 July 2012


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