Cited By
View all- Lukin MBuzdalov MShalyto A(2014)Formal Verification of 800 Genetically Constructed Automata Programs: A Case StudyHardware and Software: Verification and Testing10.1007/978-3-319-13338-6_13(165-170)Online publication date: 2014
This research builds on the hypothesis that the use of different fitness measures on the different generations of genetic programming (GP) is more effective than the convention of applying the same fitness measure individually ...
In this study, an improved crossover operator is suggested, for solving path planning problems using genetic algorithms (GA) in static environment. GA has been widely applied in path optimization problem which consists in finding a valid and feasible ...
An improved genetic algorithm for solving the graph planarization problem is presented. The improved genetic algorithm which is designed to embed a graph on a plane, performs crossover and mutation conditionally instead of probability. The improved ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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