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Graphical passwords: Learning from the first twelve years

Published: 07 September 2012 Publication History


Starting around 1999, a great many graphical password schemes have been proposed as alternatives to text-based password authentication. We provide a comprehensive overview of published research in the area, covering both usability and security aspects as well as system evaluation. The article first catalogues existing approaches, highlighting novel features of selected schemes and identifying key usability or security advantages. We then review usability requirements for knowledge-based authentication as they apply to graphical passwords, identify security threats that such systems must address and review known attacks, discuss methodological issues related to empirical evaluation, and identify areas for further research and improved methodology.


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Published: 07 September 2012
Accepted: 01 March 2011
Revised: 01 September 2010
Received: 01 April 2010
Published in CSUR Volume 44, Issue 4


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