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Ontology learning from text: A look back and into the future

Published: 07 September 2012 Publication History


Ontologies are often viewed as the answer to the need for interoperable semantics in modern information systems. The explosion of textual information on the Read/Write Web coupled with the increasing demand for ontologies to power the Semantic Web have made (semi-)automatic ontology learning from text a very promising research area. This together with the advanced state in related areas, such as natural language processing, have fueled research into ontology learning over the past decade. This survey looks at how far we have come since the turn of the millennium and discusses the remaining challenges that will define the research directions in this area in the near future.


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Published: 07 September 2012
Accepted: 01 March 2011
Revised: 01 February 2011
Received: 01 October 2010
Published in CSUR Volume 44, Issue 4


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