Mojave: a development environment for the Cactus computational framework
Article No.: 44, Pages 1 - 8
This paper presents "Mojave," a set of plug-ins for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which provides a unified interface for HPC code development and job management. Mojave facilitates code creation, refactoring, building, and running of a set of HPC scientific codes based on the Cactus Computational Toolkit, a computational framework for general problem-solving on regular meshes. Mojave facilitates the development of Cactus applications and the submission of Cactus jobs to high end resources (e.g. XSEDE systems) using built-in Eclipse features, C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT), Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) plug-ins [20], and SimFactory, a Cactus-specific set of command-line utilities [18, 17] (see Fig. 1 for a diagrammatic representation). Mojave extends the above facilities to provide a collaborative way for scientists to share job monitoring information through its Facebook-enabled job sharing feature.
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Index Terms
- Mojave: a development environment for the Cactus computational framework
MGC middleware for grid computing: the Globus Toolkit
ACAI '11: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Artificial IntelligenceGrid computing has made substantial advances during the last decade. A major concern in Grid environments is dealing with the high degree of heterogeneity of resources that can range from laptops and PCs to supercomputers. The unified virtual view of ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
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Published: 16 July 2012
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XSEDE12: 2012 eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment 2012
July 16 - 20, 2012
Illinois, Chicago, USA
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