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We are delighted to present the proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP) held in Los Angeles, USA, August 3-4, 2012. ACM SAP, formerly known as APGV, aims to further the development of inter-disciplinary research that crosses the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics, visualization, vision, haptics and acoustics.
Our ninth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for exchanging ideas about areas of overlapping interests. By co-locating ACM SAP 2012 with the thirty-ninth annual SIGGRAPH conference (SIGGRAPH 2012) in Los Angeles, we aim to further promote communication between the core perception and the core computer graphics communities, and also bring back the symposium in its new form to the United States.
This year we received a total of 40 paper submissions. Each submission received between three and four reviews by the 45 members of the International Program Committee. From those reviews and some additional discussions, 21 high quality papers were finally selected for oral presentation at the symposium. Betsy Williams, this year's Posters Chair, additionally selected a number of poster submissions, highlighting late-breaking research in the field.
Proceeding Downloads
Stepping over and ducking under: the influence of an avatar on locomotion in an HMD-based immersive virtual environment
The purpose of this study was to learn if self-avatars influence people's perception and action in virtual environments. People viewed two situations in a virtual environment through a head-mounted display and were asked to decide how they would act. In ...
Improvements in visually directed walking in virtual environments cannot be explained by changes in gait alone
A previous study indicated that peripheral visual information strongly affects the judgment of egocentric distances for users of immersive virtual environments. The experiment described in this document aimed to investigate if these effects could be ...
To move or not to move: can active control and user-driven motion cueing enhance self-motion perception ("vection") in virtual reality?
Can self-motion perception in virtual reality (VR) be enhanced by providing affordable, user-powered minimal motion cueing? To investigate this, we compared the effect of different interaction and motion paradigms on onset latency and intensity of self-...
Online simulation of emotional interactive behaviors with hierarchical Gaussian process dynamical models
The online synthesis of stylized interactive movements with high levels of realism is a difficult problem in computer graphics. We present a new approach for the learning of structured dynamical models for the synthesis of interactive body movements ...
How responsiveness affects players' perception in digital games
Digital games with realistic virtual characters have become very popular. The ability for players to promptly control their character is a crucial feature of these types of games, be it platform games, first-person shooters, or role-playing games. ...
Dynamic range compression by differential zone mapping based on psychophysical experiments
- Francesco Banterle,
- Alessandro Artusi,
- Elena Sikudova,
- Thomas Bashford-Rogers,
- Patrick Ledda,
- Marina Bloj,
- Alan Chalmers
In this paper we present a new technique for the display of High Dynamic Range (HDR) images on Low Dynamic Range (LDR) displays. The described process has three stages. First, the input image is segmented into luminance zones. Second, the tone mapping ...
Playing with Puffball: simple scale-invariant inflation for use in vision and graphics
We describe how inflation, the act of mapping a 2D silhouette to a 3D region, can be applied in two disparate problems to offer insight and improvement: silhouette part segmentation and image-based material transfer. To demonstrate this, we introduce ...
Inferring artistic intention in comic art through viewer gaze
Comics are a compelling, though complex, visual storytelling medium. Researchers are interested in the process of comic art creation to be able to automatically tell new stories, and also, summarize videos and catalog large collections of photographs ...
Directing gaze in narrative art
Narrative art tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. In many works of art separate panels within the same frame are used to depict the sequence of events. Often, there is no clear ...
Effects of calibration to visual and haptic feedback on near-field depth perception in an immersive virtual environment
- Bliss M. Altenhoff,
- Phillip E. Napieralski,
- Lindsay O. Long,
- Jeffrey W. Bertrand,
- Christopher C. Pagano,
- Sabarish V. Babu,
- Timothy A. Davis
Distances are regularly underestimated in immersive virtual environments (IVEs) [Witmer and Kline 1998; Loomis and Knapp 2003]. Few experiments, however, have examined the ability of calibration to overcome distortions of depth perception in IVEs. This ...
Evaluating the accuracy of size perception in real and virtual environments
Accurate perception of the size of 3D objects depicted on 2D desktop displays is important for many applications. Whether users perceive objects depicted on a display to be the same size as comparable real world objects is not well understood. We ...
Multimodal learning with audio description: an eye tracking study of children's gaze during a visual recognition task
The paper explores the effects of adding audio description to an educational film on children's learning behaviour, manifested by a visual recognition task. We hypothesize that the multimodal educational setting, consisting of both verbal (film dialogue ...
Apparent resolution enhancement for motion videos
In this work we increase the apparent resolution of videos when viewed on a high-refresh rate display by making use of perceptual properties of the visual system. We achieve this enhancement by exploiting the viewer's natural tendency to track moving ...
Kinect based 3D object manipulation on a desktop display
Gesture-based controllers such as the Microsoft Kinect are low cost devices that allow a user to interact with complex, three-dimensional simulations using an interface argued to be more natural than game controllers, joy sticks, or a mouse and ...
Mobile projectors versus mobile displays: an assessment of task performance
Mobile projectors are gaining momentum, with many pocket sized products reaching the market and projector phones being close to production. Although the usefulness of such devices for entertainment, collaboration as well as many other tasks is obvious, ...
Analyzing effects of geometric rendering parameters on size and distance estimation in on-axis stereographics
Accurate perception of size and distance in a three-dimensional virtual environment is important for many applications. However, several experiments have revealed that spatial perception of virtual environments often deviates from the real world, even ...
Comparability of narrow and wide field-of-view head-mounted displays for medium-field distance judgments
As wider field-of-view displays become more common, the question arises as to whether or not data collected on these displays are comparable to those collected with smaller field-of-view displays. This document describes a pilot study that aimed to ...
Affective Doodle: a painting tool reflecting user emotion
We present Affective Doodle as a novel concept of interactive painting which senses the emotion of its user and adapts the drawing parameters to it in real time. As depicted in Figure 1, Affective Doodle is realized by looping through the following 3 ...
A comparison of motion capture data recorded from a Vicon system and a Microsoft Kinect sensor
This experiment investigates the perceived differences in the quality of animation generated using motion capture data using a Vicon motion capture system and a Microsoft Kinect sensor. The Kinect uses a depth map camera to determine the position of ...
Evaluating observers' sensitivity to errors in human and physical throws
Understanding whether observers are sensitive to physical distortions in dynamic events is important in order to develop plausible simulations while saving time on details that observers cannot perceive [Barzel et al. 1996]. In this experiment, we ...
Perception of qualitative shape from diffuse and specular reflections
The shape we perceive from a rendered surface depends on the true surface shape, but also on the surface reflectance, the illumination, the surface motion, and the viewer's position. Here we present an experiment that addresses how perceived shape ...
Minification and gap affordances in head-mounted displays
Numerous studies report that people underestimate egocentric distances in head-mounted display (HMD) virtual environments compared to real environments when measured with direct blind walking. Recently, Zhang et al. [2012] demonstrated that minification ...
Distributed spatial memory in virtual human-robot team scenarios
This experiment investigates the spatial memory and attention when human acts as supervisor of one or two groups of distributed robot teams in a large virtual environment (VE). The problem is similar to learning a new environment and interpreting its ...
Drawing with the eyes and face
- Srinivas Sridharan,
- Yuqiong Wang,
- Sean Xu,
- Bharath Rangamannar,
- Cyprian Tayrien,
- Stephen Ranger,
- Reynold Bailey,
- Joe Geigel
Recent work in eye tracking and facial expression analysis has enabled new forms of hands-free user interaction with computer applications. There has been particular emphasis on using these mechanisms individually for drawing and other artwork related ...
Perceiving interactive sketching through facial expressions
Facial Animation is the key element to convey emotions in virtual characters. One of the major challenges in interactive systems (e.g. games, virtual worlds) and off-line systems (mainly used in films) is to ensure that the characters are highly ...
Comparison of statistical methods for analysis of affective haptic expressions
Several studies showed the relevance of haptics for conveying emotions to users. These studies usually cover recognition rate of emotions from haptic expressions. Surprisingly, the analysis of features of these haptic expressions is in counterpart often ...
Effects of immersion on spatial updating in virtual panoramas
- Phillip E. Napieralski,
- Bliss M. Altenhoff,
- Jeffrey W. Bertrand,
- Lindsay O. Long,
- Sabarish V. Babu,
- Christopher C. Pagano,
- Timothy A. Davis,
- Georges M. Fadel
An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of immersion on a spatial updating task in a virtual panoramic environment (VPE). A virtual panorama, such as Google Streetview, is an environment that is comprised of 3D (spherical) images taken at ...
A cognitive analysis of the perception of shape and motion cooperation in virtual animations
In order to better understand perceptual and cognitive features of shapes and motions associations, we first create synthetic animation composed of realistic motions modeled by physical modeling mapped on abstract shapes. Second, we propose such ...
Exploring a virtual environment by walking in place using the Microsoft Kinect
When using a head-mounted display (HMD) to explore a virtual environment (VE), it is useful to navigate on foot. This aids spatial awareness because it provides the inertial cues related to physical locomotion. However, the size of the virtual ...
- Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception