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Compression-aware I/O performance analysis for big data clustering

Published: 12 August 2012 Publication History


As the data volume increases, I/O bottleneck has become a great challenge for data analysis. Data compression can alleviate the bottleneck effectively. Taking K-means algorithm as an example, this paper proposes a compression-aware performance improvement model for big-data clustering. The model quantitatively analyzes the effect of a variety of factors related to compression during the entire computational process. We perform clustering experiments on 10 dimensional data with up to 1.114 TB in size on a cluster computer with hundreds of computing cores. The measurement validates that using compression contributes significantly to improving the I/O performance, and confirms our theoretical analysis empirically. Furthermore, the proposed model can effectively determine when and how to use compression to improve I/O performance for big-data analysis.


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    BigMine '12: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications
    August 2012
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 12 August 2012


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    1. I/O bottleneck
    2. big data clustering
    3. compression contribution model


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