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View all- Aradea Supriana ISurendro K(2022)ARAS: adaptation requirements for adaptive systemsAutomated Software Engineering10.1007/s10515-022-00369-330:1Online publication date: 29-Nov-2022
- Abbas NAndersson JIftikhar MWeyns D(2016)Rigorous Architectural Reasoning for Self-Adaptive Software Systems2016 Qualitative Reasoning about Software Architectures (QRASA)10.1109/QRASA.2016.9(11-18)Online publication date: Apr-2016
- Abbas NAndersson JSchmidt D(2015)Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systemsProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Product Line10.1145/2791060.2791089(191-200)Online publication date: 20-Jul-2015
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