Cited By
View all- Grifoni PD’Ulizia AFerri F(2017)Context-Awareness in Location Based Services in the Big Data EraMobile Big Data10.1007/978-3-319-67925-9_5(85-127)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017
Recommender Systems help an on-line user to tame information overload and are being used now in complex domains where it could be beneficial to exploit context-awareness, e.g., in travel recommendation. Technically, in Recommender Systems we can ...
In order to generate relevant recommendations, a context-aware recommender system (CARS) not only makes use of user preferences, but also exploits information about the specific contextual situation in which the recommended item will be consumed. For ...
Recommender systems utilize the times of yore experiences and preferences of the target customers as a basis to offer personalized recommendations for them as well as resolve the information overloading hitch. Personalized recommendation methods are ...
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