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Energy- and performance-aware scheduling of tasks on parallel and distributed systems

Published: 30 November 2012 Publication History


Enabled by high-speed networking in commercial, scientific, and government settings, the realm of high performance is burgeoning with greater amounts of computational and storage resources. Large-scale systems such as computational grids consume a significant amount of energy due to their massive sizes. The energy and cooling costs of such systems are often comparable to the procurement costs over a year period. In this survey, we will discuss allocation and scheduling algorithms, systems, and software for reducing power and energy dissipation of workflows on the target platforms of single processors, multicore processors, and distributed systems. Furthermore, recent research achievements will be investigated that deal with power and energy efficiency via different power management techniques and application scheduling algorithms. The article provides a comprehensive presentation of the architectural, software, and algorithmic issues for energy-aware scheduling of workflows on single, multicore, and parallel architectures. It also includes a systematic taxonomy of the algorithms developed in the literature based on the overall optimization goals and characteristics of applications.


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ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 8, Issue 4
October 2012
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Published: 30 November 2012
Accepted: 01 October 2011
Revised: 01 October 2011
Received: 01 July 2011
Published in JETC Volume 8, Issue 4


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  1. Energy-aware scheduling
  2. dynamic power management
  3. dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
  4. task allocation algorithms


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