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Innovating the field level of microfinance: a Pakistan case study

Published: 13 December 2010 Publication History


Microfinance Institutions (MFI) are sought to combine transparent sustainability with poverty reduction. Apart from this commonality, they can be as different as their markets, cultures and technologies. While much design for MFIs, nevertheless, concentrates on standardized processes around the head quarters we started with studying an individual case from a bottom-up perspective, including its customer relationship. We focused our ethnographic study at the Khushhali Bank, Pakistan, on work practices and how they are influenced by technology. In our case, too, lacking awareness about non-monetary performance is a hurdle for sound innovation. Technological innovation can be attractive when it is combined with measures to support community building and learning.


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ICTD '10: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development
December 2010
479 pages
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Published: 13 December 2010


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  1. ethnography
  2. innovation
  3. microfinance
  4. microfinance technology
  5. participatory design
  6. sustainability
  7. tailorablity
  8. work practices


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