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Workload and power budget partitioning for single-chip heterogeneous processors

Published: 19 September 2012 Publication History


With technology scaling, manufacturers are integrating both CPU and GPU cores in a single chip to improve the throughput of emerging applications. To maximize the throughput of a single-chip heterogeneous processor (SCHP), the chip power budget shared between the CPU and GPU must be effectively utilized. At the same time, the CPU and GPU in an SCHP must each satisfy its own power constraint. Furthermore, the power budget allocated to the CPU and GPU impacts performance. In this paper, using a detailed cycle-level SCHP simulator, we first demonstrate that the joint optimization of workload and power budget partitioning between the CPU and GPU can provide 13% higher throughput than the optimization of workload partitioning alone under a fixed power budget allocation to the CPU and GPU. Second, we propose an effective runtime algorithm that can determine near-optimal or optimal combinations of workload and power budget partitioning. The algorithm exploits the runtime power efficiencies of the workload executed on the CPU and the GPU. Using the detailed cycle-level SCHP simulator, we show that within five to eight kernel invocations the algorithm can achieve 96% of the maximum throughput obtained by an exhaustive search algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate comparable throughput improvements when we apply the algorithm to a commercial computing system with an SCHP.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    PACT '12: Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques
    September 2012
    512 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 19 September 2012


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    Author Tags

    1. power constraint
    2. single-chip heterogeneous processor
    3. voltage/frequency/core scaling


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    PACT '12
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