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10.1145/2370919.2370921acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessiggraphConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Camera space volumetric shadows

Published: 04 August 2012 Publication History


We transform irregularly sampled shadow map data to deep image buffers in camera space, which are then used to create volumetric shadows in a deep compositing workflow. Our technique poses no restrictions on the sample locations of the shadow map and can thus be used with a variety of adaptive approaches to produce more precise shadows closer to the camera. To construct watertight shafts towards the light source forming crepuscular rays, we use a two-dimensional quad tree in light space. This structure is constructed from the shadow samples independent of the camera position, making stereo renders and camera animations for static light sources and geometry more efficient. The actual integration of volumetric light transport is then left to a fast image space deep compositing workflow, enabling short turnaround times for cinematic lighting design. We show a simple scalable ray tracing kernel to convert the quad tree representation to a deep image for each camera, where ray tracing takes only 25% of the processing time.

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cover image ACM Conferences
DigiPro '12: Proceedings of the Digital Production Symposium
August 2012
80 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 August 2012


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  1. deep compositing
  2. ray tracing
  3. volumetric shadows


  • Research-article


DigiPro '12
DigiPro '12: The Digital Production Symposium
August 4, 2012
California, Glendale


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  • (2020)A Survey of Multifragment RenderingComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.1401939:2(623-642)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2020
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