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Use of the Wii balance board system in vestibular rehabilitation

Published: 03 October 2012 Publication History


Therapies for the treatment of vestibular rehabilitation are focused on postural control, the risk of falls, and the inclusion of patients in activities of daily living (ADL). Recent studies show that virtual reality provides a low-cost system for rehabilitating patients with vestibular disorders. In this paper, we introduce an interdisciplinary project to develop a virtual rehabilitation system, Vestibular Virtual Rehabilitation (V2R), for patients with vestibular disorders. Specifically, we propose an innovative way for interaction between the system and the patients. In the developed system, patients interact with the system following auditory cues, not visual inputs. Due to the features of the disorder of the patients --visual dependency- the proposed system is very promising, as the first results indicate. To obtain this objective, we have generated a low-cost system that is based on the Nintendo® Wii Balance Board® (WBB) and is designed specifically to rehabilitate patients. The results suggest that the use of a virtual rehabilitation system with auditory cues increases the postural control in patients with vestibular disorders.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    INTERACCION '12: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interacción Persona-Ordenador
    October 2012
    193 pages
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    • KAU: King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
    • UCLM: University of Castilla-La Mancha


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 03 October 2012


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    1. Wii balance board
    2. human computer interaction
    3. vestibular virtual rehabilitation
    4. virtual reality


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    • UCLM

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    • (2023)A Step in the Right Direction: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Customized Stepping Game Software and Balance Boards for Balance Rehabilitation Therapy and Measurement2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10340780(1-4)Online publication date: 24-Jul-2023
    • (2020)Circus in Motion: a multimodal exergame supporting vestibular therapy for children with autismJournal on Multimodal User Interfaces10.1007/s12193-020-00345-915:3(283-299)Online publication date: 16-Aug-2020
    • (2018)Can Wii Balance? Evaluating a Stepping Game for Older AdultsIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering10.1109/TNSRE.2018.286214626:9(1783-1793)Online publication date: Sep-2018
    • (2016)Fall prevention intervention technologiesJournal of Biomedical Informatics10.1016/j.jbi.2015.12.01359:C(319-345)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016
    • (2015)REHAP balance tilesProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare10.5555/2826165.2826194(201-208)Online publication date: 20-May-2015
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