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View all- Modesto AFigueiredo RRamos CSantos LVenson EPedrosa G(2021)Organizational Strategies for End-User Development—A Systematic Literature MappingInformatics10.3390/informatics80100158:1(15)Online publication date: 28-Feb-2021
Although team-based work systems are pervasive in the workplace, the use of collaborative systems designed to facilitate and support ongoing teamwork is a relatively recent development. An understanding of how teams embrace and use such collaborative ...
This article presents the implementation of collaborative writing tool as a mediator in the organizational activities of a company, with the objective of generating a significant organizational learning. The process was supported by collaborative ...
Firms developing collaborative innovation from IT-enabled inter-organisational relationships IORs are faced with both technological and relational challenges. Drawing on knowledge-based view, this paper first proposes a model to integrate IT design with ...
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