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Survey of scheduling techniques for addressing shared resources in multicore processors

Published: 07 December 2012 Publication History


Chip multicore processors (CMPs) have emerged as the dominant architecture choice for modern computing platforms and will most likely continue to be dominant well into the foreseeable future. As with any system, CMPs offer a unique set of challenges. Chief among them is the shared resource contention that results because CMP cores are not independent processors but rather share common resources among cores such as the last level cache (LLC). Shared resource contention can lead to severe and unpredictable performance impact on the threads running on the CMP. Conversely, CMPs offer tremendous opportunities for mulithreaded applications, which can take advantage of simultaneous thread execution as well as fast inter thread data sharing. Many solutions have been proposed to deal with the negative aspects of CMPs and take advantage of the positive. This survey focuses on the subset of these solutions that exclusively make use of OS thread-level scheduling to achieve their goals. These solutions are particularly attractive as they require no changes to hardware and minimal or no changes to the OS. The OS scheduler has expanded well beyond its original role of time-multiplexing threads on a single core into a complex and effective resource manager. This article surveys a multitude of new and exciting work that explores the diverse new roles the OS scheduler can successfully take on.


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  1. Survey of scheduling techniques for addressing shared resources in multicore processors



Edel M Sherratt

The new scheduling challenges posed by chip multicore architectures have opened new research directions in operating system scheduling. This survey paper provides an excellent introduction to this fascinating topic for the reader who has some knowledge of scheduling, but who may lack specialist knowledge of chip multicore architectures. Chip multiprocessors share resources like caches and memory controllers. Conventional schedulers, which treat each core as an independent processor, give rise to poor performance on multicore processors due to contention between threads for shared resources. Thread-level schedulers mitigate this problem. Two approaches to thread-level scheduling form the main body of the survey. Contention-aware scheduling is used to map threads to cores, so as to avoid unnecessary competition for shared resources by balancing memory-intensive with compute-intensive threads. Cooperative resource scheduling focuses on threads that share resources within a single multithreaded application. While this approach is hampered by the difficulty of monitoring how threads share data, it is likely to become more important with the emergence of parallel algorithms. The survey concludes with a review of scheduling in Linux and Solaris, and an informative discussion leading to a summary of the ideal scheduler. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 45, Issue 1
November 2012
455 pages
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Publication History

Published: 07 December 2012
Accepted: 01 July 2011
Revised: 01 May 2011
Received: 01 February 2011
Published in CSUR Volume 45, Issue 1


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  1. Survey
  2. cooperative resource sharing
  3. power-aware scheduling
  4. shared resource contention
  5. thermal effects
  6. thread level scheduling


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  • Spanish government's research
  • Ingenio 2010 Consolider


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  • (2024)AppSteer: Framework for Improving Multicore Scalability of Network Functions via Application-aware Packet Steering2024 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid)10.1109/CCGrid59990.2024.00012(18-27)Online publication date: 6-May-2024
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