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In-video product annotation with web information mining

Published: 30 November 2012 Publication History


Product annotation in videos is of great importance for video browsing, search, and advertisement. However, most of the existing automatic video annotation research focuses on the annotation of high-level concepts, such as events, scenes, and object categories. This article presents a novel solution to the annotation of specific products in videos by mining information from the Web. It collects a set of high-quality training data for each product by simultaneously leveraging Amazon and Google image search engine. A visual signature for each product is then built based on the bag-of-visual-words representation of the training images. A correlative sparsification approach is employed to remove noisy bins in the visual signatures. These signatures are used to annotate video frames. We conduct experiments on more than 1,000 videos and the results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach.


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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 8, Issue 4
November 2012
139 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 30 November 2012
Accepted: 01 August 2011
Revised: 01 August 2011
Received: 01 February 2011
Published in TOMM Volume 8, Issue 4


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  1. Product Annotation
  2. Web mining
  3. video search


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