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Carpus: a non-intrusive user identification technique for interactive surfaces

Published: 07 October 2012 Publication History


Interactive surfaces have great potential for co-located collaboration because of their ability to track multiple inputs simultaneously. However, the multi-user experience on these devices could be enriched significantly if touch points could be associated with a particular user. Existing approaches to user identification are intrusive, require users to stay in a fixed position, or suffer from poor accuracy. We present a non-intrusive, high-accuracy technique for mapping touches to their corresponding user in a collaborative environment. By mounting a high-resolution camera above the interactive surface, we are able to identify touches reliably without any extra instrumentation, and users are able to move around the surface at will. Our technique, which leverages the back of users' hands as identifiers, supports walk-up-and-use situations in which multiple people interact on a shared surface.

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  1. Carpus: a non-intrusive user identification technique for interactive surfaces



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      UIST '12: Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
      October 2012
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      Published: 07 October 2012


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      1. interactive tabletops
      2. multi-touch interaction
      3. multi-user applications
      4. surface computing
      5. user identification


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