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CODES+ISSS '12: Proceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis
ACM2012 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ESWEEK'12: Eighth Embedded System Week Tampere Finland October 7 - 12, 2012
07 October 2012
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On behalf of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Hardware/Software-Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS) Technical Program Committee, we would like to welcome you to the 10th CODES+ISSS. The CODES+ISSS is the premier conference for system-level synthesis and design ranging from embedded systems to large-scale systems and beyond, systems of systems, with a focus on the design of hardware, software, and tools. In 2012, we continue the tradition of maintaining a high-quality forum for active discussion on current and innovative topics on system synthesis and design that bring together the latest in academic and industrial research and development.

We carried out a rigorous review process and a face-to-face Technical Program Committee meeting and selected 48 papers among 163 submissions with an acceptance rate of 29%. The Technical Program Committee carefully reviewed all papers with an average of 4 reviews per paper. The entire review process strictly obeyed the blind review policy, and the Technical Program Committee meeting was carefully conducted considering conflict of interest of the Technical Program Committee members. The Technical Program Committee members selected the a part of high-quality papers, and a part of high-quality papers were not accepted because this year CODES+ISSS paper selection was highly competitive. As interaction between presenters and other conference attendees is extremely important in CODES+ISSS, we organize poster sessions during the last 30 minutes of every session to encourage extensive interaction among the speakers and audiences.

The CODES+ISSS is part of the growing Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) that has been positioned as the premier international event in embedded systems research and development. The CODES+ISSS is complemented by two other flagship sister conferences: EMSOFT (International Conference on Embedded Software) and CASES (International Conference on Compliers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems). Registrants to ESWEEK may attend sessions in any of the three conferences. The technical programs of the three conferences, including keynotes, special sessions, panels, tutorials and workshops, have been carefully planned to avoid major overlaps and complement each other.

In 2012, the CODES+ISSS Technical Program Committee compose 16 regular sessions, one of which is a joint session with the CASES Program Committee, two special sessions, and three tutorials. We implemented a two-stage selection process of the special sessions again in 2012. Special session proposals have been submitted to the Program Committee, presented and evaluated at the Program Committee meeting. We selected the best two proposals such as TLM verification and system-level design consisting of five contributions each. The special session paper presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with the special sessions organizers. In addition, the CODES+ISSS Technical Program is completed by two tutorials organized in the context of ESWeek.

  • Columbia University
  • Seoul National University
  • University of Verona


Acceptance Rates

CODES+ISSS '12 Paper Acceptance Rate 48 of 163 submissions, 29%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 280 of 864 submissions, 32%
CODES+ISSS '131113128%
CODES+ISSS '121634829%
CODES+ISSS '081434431%
CODES+ISSS '052005025%
CODES '01834352%
CODES '99984041%
CODES/CASHE '98662436%