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View all- ULU H(2018)Ekran Okuma Öz Yeterlik Algı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik ÇalışmasıAna Dili Eğitimi Dergisi10.16916/aded.371163(148-165)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2018
Skimming broadly refers to different speed-reading methods that aim to enhance the rate of reading without unduly compromising on comprehension and retention of information. Skimming of content could be particularly useful for people with vision ...
In our information-driven web-based society, we are all gradually falling ""victims"" to information overload [5].However, while sighted people are finding ways to sift through information faster, Internet users who are blind are experiencing an even ...
In recent years, the Web has become an ever more sophisticated and irreplaceable tool in our daily lives. While the visual Web has been advancing at a rapid pace, assistive technology has not been able to keep up, increasingly putting visually impaired ...
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