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10.1145/2386958.2386973acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmswimConference Proceedingsconference-collections

VANET IR-CAS: utilizing IR techniques in developing context aware system for VANET

Published: 21 October 2012 Publication History


The proposed VANET IR-CAS is a context aware system that utilizes information retrieval (IR) techniques, such as indexing, document scoring and document similarity, to enhance context aware information dissemination in VANET. It uses a hybrid context model; spatial model for service filtering, ontology model for context reasoning and knowledge sharing, markup model for file exchange, and situational model for safety and convenience services. Its VANET OWL ontology managed by Jena semantic web framework succeeded in formalizing the semantics of VANET context domain and heightened the system abstraction level. Relevance of dispatched information to prospective recipients is enhanced by employing IR techniques and partial relevance. For commercial services, we used the hybrid vehicular communication (HVC) to increase the decentralized processing, exploit the vehicle processing power and increase user satisfaction and privacy. V2V is used for safety and convenience services where the level of abstraction has increased by using high level situation context attributes. In addition, more precise application notifications are now feasible after improving reasoning about situation certainty and severity. Hence, the main novelty of VANET IR-CAS is that it provides a highly abstract hybrid context model with IR based processing that raises the notification relevance, certainty and precision beside increasing decentralization and user satisfaction.


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cover image ACM Conferences
DIVANet '12: Proceedings of the second ACM international symposium on Design and analysis of intelligent vehicular networks and applications
October 2012
154 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 21 October 2012


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  1. VANET
  2. context aware system
  3. hybrid context model
  4. information retrieval
  5. service
  6. situation


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