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BooksOnline '12: Proceedings of the fifth ACM workshop on Research advances in large digital book repositories and complementary media
ACM2012 Proceeding
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the BooksOnline 2012 Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories and Complementary Media. This year, the fifth edition of the workshop series focuses on the readers, their experiences and their specific needs and preferences in terms of content selection, presentation and adjunct comprehension support technologies.

In many domains, such as Web search, content recommendation, and online social networks, personalized services have been able to greatly benefit users. The domain of digital reading is no exception in this trend. When browsing online book stores, reading group discussions or book recommendations shared among friends, the strong personal aspects that apply to book selection become obvious. This becomes especially relevant in the case of user groups with specific or special needs, such as young readers or people with disabilities.

The central role of the reader is reflected in the range of accepted contributions to this year's workshop. The accepted contributions naturally showed three salient themes: (1) "Search and Discovery", encompassing work addressing serendipitous content discovery, customizable information filtering as well as faceted topic exploration; (2) "Personalization and Recommendation", introducing reader-centric means of content selection based on comprehensibility and entertainment; and (3) "Reading Experiences beyond Text", proposing novel content presentation paradigms addressing accessibility concerns.

We are honoured to welcome as our keynote speakers two industry leaders and visionaries, Maribeth Back (FX Labs Palo Alto) who will share her work on the "Future of Digital Reading" and Natasa Milic-Frayling (Microsoft Research) who will talk about her research on techniques to facilitate long-term access to digital content.

We hope that you will find the workshop's program interesting and thought-provoking and that the workshop will provide you with a valuable opportunity to share ideas with other researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world.

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SESSION: Keynote address
Revisiting the future of reading: the research and design behind XFR

Reading is part of how we understand the world, how we share knowledge, how we play, and even how we think. Although reading text is the dominant form of reading, most of the text we read letters, numbers, words, and sentences is surrounded by ...

SESSION: Search and discovery
eBook meets tabletop: using collaborative visualization for search and serendipity in on-line book repositories

The ever-growing amount of digitized books and electronically published documents necessitates proper tools to search and explore such large digital information spaces. This paper presents the design of an interactive prototype for collaborative visual ...

Spread co-citation relationship as a measure for document retrieval

This paper proposes a measure that uses a spread co-citation relationship for document retrieval. To clarify whether this proposed measure has potential for enhancing the search performance of co-citation searching, two retrieval methods are evaluated: ...

Search and exploration of scanned books

In this demo, we present Proteus, a novel interface for interacting with multiple retrieval types extracted from scanned books provided by the Internet Archive. The primary purpose of Proteus is to provide a rich interactive experience for users to ...

SESSION: Personalization and recommendation
Personalized recommendations on books for K-12 readers

Learning to read efficiently and effectively is emphasized at the elementary and high school levels. Finding books that children/youth are interested in reading, however, is a non-trivial task due to the diversity of topics and different readability ...

Stylometric relevance-feedback towards a hybrid book recommendation algorithm

Reading is an important activity for individuals. Content-based recommendation systems are, typically, used to recommend scientific papers or news, where search is driven by topic. Literary reading or reading for leisure differs from scientific reading, ...

SESSION: Keynote address
The future of digital

Digital media has transformed the ways in which we process data and information. With the power of modern computing technologies, we can gather, analyze, replicate, and transfer digital content at unprecedented speeds and scale. These advantages ...

SESSION: Reading experience beyond text
Accessible, large-print, listening & talking e-book (ALIT)

The ALLT e-book is an iPad application that extends the capabilities of standard e-book readers. It provides the capabilities of electronic large-print and talking books. ALLT further adds the ability to synchronize an audio recording of a user reading ...

Need for automatically generated narration

This paper argues that the best current text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis systems are approaching the quality necessary to provide effective automated narration of audio books. Currently, nearly all audio books and audio journals are recorded by ...

  •, Inc.
  • University of Italian Switzerland
  • University of Tübingen
  • University of Pittsburgh
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.
