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View all- Fan WTian CWang YYin Q(2021)Parallel discrepancy detection and incremental detectionProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3457390.345740014:8(1351-1364)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2021
- Li YLi JSuhara YWang JHirota WTan W(2021)Deep Entity MatchingJournal of Data and Information Quality10.1145/343181613:1(1-17)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2021
- Christophides VEfthymiou VPalpanas TPapadakis GStefanidis K(2020)An Overview of End-to-End Entity Resolution for Big DataACM Computing Surveys10.1145/341889653:6(1-42)Online publication date: 6-Dec-2020
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