Cited By
View all- Salt DOuzzani MDragut EBaker PRangarajan SChung CBroder AShim KSuel T(2014)iHUBProceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web10.1145/2567948.2577033(139-142)Online publication date: 7-Apr-2014
Massive amounts of genomic data are created for the advent of Next Generation Sequencing technologies. Visualizing these complex genomic data requires not only simply plotting of data but should also invite a decision or a choice. Machine learning has ...
Biomedical research is now generating large amounts of data, ranging from clinical test results to microarray gene expression profiles. The scale and complexity of these datasets give rise to substantial challenges in data management and analysis. It is ...
Biologists are leading current research on genome characterization (sequencing, alignment, transcription), providing a huge quantity of raw data about many genome organisms. Extracting knowledge from this raw data is an important process for biologists, ...
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