Cited By
View all- Sanchez APerles AYuste PCapella JSerrano J(2015)IUmoteInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks10.1155/2015/3583152015(100-100)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015
Smart, small, inexpensive sensor nodes are used to construct underwater acoustic sensor networks. In addition, with the recent increase in the importance of underwater applications, the need for underwater communication has become more important. Hence, ...
An underwater acoustic modem (UAM) is an essential component of an underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN). The applications of UWSNs include, but are not limited to, monitoring of aquatic environments and coral reefs, coastal surveillance, etc. The ...
Applications of underwater sensor networks involve environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, and resource detection. As the importance of these applications has recently grown, underwater sensor networks made up of sensor nodes have to be ...
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