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Perception of gaze direction for situated interaction

Published: 26 October 2012 Publication History


Accurate human perception of robots' gaze direction is crucial for the design of a natural and fluent situated multimodal face-to-face interaction between humans and machines. In this paper, we present an experiment targeted at quantifying the effects of different gaze cues synthesized using the Furhat back-projected robot head, on the accuracy of perceived spatial direction of gaze by humans using 18 test subjects. The study first quantifies the accuracy of the perceived gaze direction in a human-human setup, and compares that to the use of synthesized gaze movements in different conditions: viewing the robot eyes frontal or at a 45 degrees angle side view. We also study the effect of 3D gaze by controlling both eyes to indicate the depth of the focal point (vergence), the use of gaze or head pose, and the use of static or dynamic eyelids. The findings of the study are highly relevant to the design and control of robots and animated agents in situated face-to-face interaction.


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  1. Perception of gaze direction for situated interaction



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      Gaze-In '12: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction
      October 2012
      88 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 October 2012


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      Author Tags

      1. ECA
      2. eyelids
      3. furhat
      4. gaze perception
      5. head pose
      6. robot head
      7. situated interaction
      8. talking head


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources


      ICMI '12
      October 26, 2012
      California, Santa Monica

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      Overall Acceptance Rate 19 of 21 submissions, 90%


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      • (2021)I Can See It in Your Eyes: Gaze as an Implicit Cue of Uncanniness and Task Performance in Repeated Interactions With RobotsFrontiers in Robotics and AI10.3389/frobt.2021.6459568Online publication date: 7-Apr-2021
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