While dependability and security become cornerstones of the information society, they are impaired by change, imprecision, and emerging behavior due to scale, dynamism, and heterogeneity. To address these challenges for next generation Internet computing, key extrafunctional properties should not be an "add on" or an "end to end task" anymore, but rather built in by means of Middleware.
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The geomorphic view of networking: a network model and its uses
The Internet is evolving away from its original architecture and toward the use of multiple, customized protocol stacks. A pluralistic architecture is best explained by the "geomorphic view" of networks, in which each layer is a microcosm of networking, ...
CLiSuite: simplifying the development of cross-layer adaptive applications
Mobile multimedia applications often need to adapt in real-time to changes in the network. Such cross-layer adaptation mechanisms retrieve and analyse data from the underlying protocols, e.g., at the link layer. This destroys the independence of ...
The power of software-defined networking: line-rate content-based routing using OpenFlow
A lot of research effort has been invested to support efficient content-based routing. Nevertheless, practitioners often fall back to far less expressive communication paradigms like multicast groups. The benefits of content-based routing in minimizing ...
Toward efficient and confidentiality-aware federation of access control policies
This paper presents our work in progress on efficient and confidentiality-aware access control for Software-as-a-Service applications. In SaaS, a tenant organization rents access to a shared, typically web-based application. Access control for these ...
Managing service performance in NoSQL distributed storage systems
In this paper we describe the architecture of a quality-of-service (QoS) infrastructure for achieving controlled application performance over NoSQL distributed storage systems. We present an implementation of our architecture as an extension to the ...
Towards performance isolation in multi-tenant SaaS applications
Multi-tenancy has shown promising results in achieving high operational cost efficiency by sharing hardware and software resources among multiple customer organisations, called tenants. In the context of cloud computing, this paradigm enables cloud ...
PAPaS: peer assisted publish and subscribe
The scalability of a content-based publish subscribe system typically depends on efficient subscription matching (brokering) and dissemination. As the number of subscribers increases, the matching and dissemination processes can increase bandwidth usage ...