Cited By
View all- Kammoun SMacé MJouffrais C(2014)Waypoint Validation Strategies in Assisted Navigation for Visually Impaired PedestrianComputers Helping People with Special Needs10.1007/978-3-319-08599-9_15(92-99)Online publication date: 2014
Geographical maps are by their nature inherently inaccessible to blind users since the information is conveyed mainly in a visual way. The attempt to convert all the information to an alternative modality allowing satisfactory exploration by blind ...
Augmented reality (AR) is commonly seen as a technology that overlays virtual imagery onto a participant's view of the world. In line with this, most AR research is focused on what we see. In this paper, we challenge this focus on vision and make a case ...
This paper introduces the development of a multimodal data visualisation system and its evaluations. This system is designed to improve blind and visually impaired people's access to graphs and tables. Force feedback, synthesized speech and non-speech ...
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