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Adaptive probabilistic fission for multimodal systems

Published: 26 November 2012 Publication History


Human beings continuously adapt their way of communication to their surroundings and their communication partner. Although context-aware ubiquitous systems gather a lot of information to maximize their functionality, they predominantly use static ways to communicate. In order to fulfill the user's communication needs and demands, the sensor's diverse and sometimes uncertain information must also be used to dynamically adapt the user interface. In this article we present ProFi, a system for Probabilistic Fission, designed to reason on adaptive and multimodal output based on uncertain or ambiguous data. In addition, we present a system architecture as well as a new meta model for multimodal interactive systems. Based on this meta model we describe ProFi's process of multimodal fission along with our current implementation.


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OzCHI '12: Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference
November 2012
692 pages
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  • New Zealand Chapter of ACM SIGCHI
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics Soc: Human Factors & Ergonomics Soc



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 November 2012


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  1. adaptive user interface
  2. modality arbitration
  3. multimodal interaction
  4. probabilistic multimodal fission


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OzCHI '12
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics Soc

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