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View all- Telang PKalia ASingh M(2015)Modeling Healthcare Processes Using Commitments: An Empirical EvaluationPLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.014120210:11(e0141202)Online publication date: 5-Nov-2015
Empirical software engineering focuses on the evaluation of software engineering technologies, such as processes and tools, by comparing related sets of data. It has contributed a valuable body of knowledge in several areas such as Software Economics ...
In empirical software engineering, benchmarks can be used for comparing different methods, techniques and tools. However, the recent ACM SIGSOFT Empirical Standards for Software Engineering Research do not include an explicit checklist for ...
Context: Empirical studies are gaining recognition in the Software Engineering (SE) research community. In order to foster empirical research, it is essential understand the environments, guidelines, process, and other mechanisms available to support ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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