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10.1145/2435264.2435300acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesfpgaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Dynafuse: dynamic dependence analysis for FPGA pipeline fusion and locality optimizations

Published: 11 February 2013 Publication History


Although high-level synthesis improves FPGA productivity by enabling designers to use high-level code, the resulting performance is often significantly worse than register-transfer-level designs. One cause of such limited optimization is that high-level synthesis tools are restricted by multiple possible dependencies due to the undecidability of alias analysis. In this paper, we introduce the Dynafuse optimization, which analyzes dependencies dynamically to resolve aliases and enable runtime circuit optimizations. To resolve aliases, Dynafuse provides a specialized software data structure that dynamically determines definition-use chains between FPGA functions. In addition, Dynafuse statically creates a reconfigurable overlay network that uses detected dependencies to dynamically adjust connections between functions and memories in order to fuse pipelines and exploit data locality. Experimental results show that Dynafuse sped up two existing FPGA applications by 1.6-1.8x when exploiting locality and by 3-5x when fusing pipelines. Furthermore, the speedup from pipeline fusion increases linearly with the number of fused functions, which suggests larger applications will experience larger improvements.


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  1. Dynafuse: dynamic dependence analysis for FPGA pipeline fusion and locality optimizations



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      FPGA '13: Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field programmable gate arrays
      February 2013
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      • (2014)A framework for dynamic parallelization of FPGA-accelerated applicationsProceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems10.1145/2609248.2609256(1-10)Online publication date: 10-Jun-2014
      • (2014)Mission control: A performance metric and analysis of control logic for pipelined architectures on FPGAs2014 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig14)10.1109/ReConFig.2014.7032539(1-6)Online publication date: Dec-2014
      • (2014)A High Memory Bandwidth FPGA Accelerator for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication2014 IEEE 22nd Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines10.1109/FCCM.2014.23(36-43)Online publication date: May-2014

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