Cited By
View all- Strokina NJuránek REerola TLensu LZemčik PKälviäinen H(2014)Comparison of Appearance-Based and Geometry-Based Bubble DetectorsComputer Vision and Graphics10.1007/978-3-319-11331-9_73(610-617)Online publication date: 2014
The wide acceptance of bioinformatics, medical imaging and multimedia applications, which have a data-centric favor to them, require more efficient and application-specific systems to be built. Due to the advances in modern FPGA technologies recently, ...
The emergence of smart cameras has been fueled by increasingly advanced computing platforms that are capable of performing a variety of real-time computer vision algorithms. Smart cameras provide the ability to understand their environment. Object ...
The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) accelerator for CNN-based object detection has been attracting widespread attention in computer vision. For most existing FPGA accelerators, the inference accuracy and speed are affected negatively by the ...
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