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View all- Liu RTang YFang B(2014)Topological Coding and Its Application in the Refinement of SIFTIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics10.1109/TCYB.2014.230179744:11(2155-2166)Online publication date: Nov-2014
SIFT has shown a great success in various computer vision applications. However, its large computational complexity has been a challenge to most embedded implementations. This paper presents a low-cost embedded system based on a new architecture that ...
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm is one of the classical feature extraction algorithms that is well known in Computer Vision. It consists of two stages: keypoint descriptor extraction and descriptor matching. SIFT descriptor matching ...
A fully pipelined FPGA-based architecture for real-time SIFT detector and descriptor is proposed.Each descriptor vector is extracted in one clock cycle, i.e. 46 ns considering Cyclone IV technology.The overall frame rate is independent of the number of ...
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