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Write activity reduction on non-volatile main memories for embedded chip multiprocessors

Published: 08 April 2013 Publication History


Recent advances in circuit and semiconductor technologies have pushed Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies into a new era. These technologies exhibit appealing properties such as low power consumption, non-volatility, shock-resistivity, and high density. However, there are challenges to which we need answers in the road of applying non-volatile memories as main memory in embedded computer systems. First, when compared with DRAM, NVMs have a limited number of write/erase cycles. Second, write activities on NVM are more expensive than DRAM memory in terms of energy consumption and access latency. Both challenges will benefit from the reduction of the write activities on the NVMs.
In this paper, we target embedded Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) with Scratch Pad Memory (SPM) and non-volatile main memory. We introduce scheduling, data migration, and recomputation techniques to reduce the number of write activities on NVMs. Experimental results show that the proposed methods can reduce the number of writes by 58.46% on average, which means that the NVM can last 2.8 times as long as before. For Phase Change Memory (PCM), the lifetime is extended from 2.5 years to about 7 years on average and 15 years at the most. Also, the finish time of the tested programs is reduced by an average of 38.07%, and the energy consumption is reduced by an average of 51.23%.


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  1. Write activity reduction on non-volatile main memories for embedded chip multiprocessors



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    ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 12, Issue 3
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    Published: 08 April 2013
    Accepted: 01 October 2011
    Revised: 01 September 2011
    Received: 01 April 2011
    Published in TECS Volume 12, Issue 3


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    1. CMP
    2. Magnetic RAM (MRAM)
    3. Non-volatile memory (NVM)
    4. SPM
    5. data migration
    6. data recomputation
    7. flash memory
    8. phase change memory (PCM)
    9. scheduling


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