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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to MODULARITY: aosd.13, the premiere international research conference on modularity in software and software-intensive systems. MODULARITY: aosd.13 is the 12th annual international conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD).
This year's conference continues to broaden of the scope of the field to address all aspects of modularity, abstraction, and separation of concerns as they pertain to software, including new forms, uses, and analysis of modularity, along with the costs and benefits, and tradeoffs involved in their application. Modularity provides the international computer science research community and its many sub-disciplines (including software engineering, languages, and computer systems) with unique opportunities to come together to share and discuss perspectives, results, and visions with others interested in modularity as well as in the languages, development methods, architectures, algorithms, and other technologies organized around this fundamental concept.
The MODULARITY: aosd.13 conference comprises two main technical tracks: Research Results and Modularity Visions. Both tracks invited full, scholarly papers of the highest quality on results and new ideas in areas that include but are not limited to complex systems, software design and engineering, programming languages, cyber-physical systems, and other areas across the whole system life cycle.
Papers submitted to the Research Results track were reviewed in accordance with the highest established standards of scientific rigor applied in peer review of putative research results. Reviewers assessed works in terms of research problem formulations, novelty and sophistication of proposed solutions, clarity and significance of hypotheses, proper design and execution of experimental or analytical assessments, sound interpretation of data, and correct characterization of work in relation to existing knowledge.
The Research Results program committee accepted papers in three rounds. In each round, each paper was accepted, rejected, or (except in the last round) invited for revision and a second review.
Papers submitted to the Modularity Visions track were reviewed in accordance with the highest established standards of scientific rigor applied in peer review of scientific research proposals. Reviewers assessed works in terms of research problem formulations, novelty and sophistication of proposed solutions, clarity and significance of hypotheses, compelling preliminary results, proposals for sound future experimental or analytical assessments and interpretation of data, and correct characterization of work in relation to existing knowledge.
The Modularity Visions program committee comprising ten international experts from different areas of software modularity selected one technical paper after a rigorous peer review of the five submissions to this track. Each paper was assigned at least three reviewers. The program committee discussed each paper in detail assessing their respective novel vision and contribution to advancing the state-of-the-art in modularity.
Together, the Research Results (RR) and Modularity Visions (MV) tracks received 67 submissions (62 to the RR track; 5 to the MV track). Out of these submissions, 54 were distinct papers (13 papers were invited resubmissions from one round to the next, of which 11 were eventually accepted). In total, out of the 54 distinct submissions, 18 have been accepted (17 to the RR track; 1 to the MV track), which reflects an acceptance ratio of 33%.
The MODULARITY: aosd.13 conference features three keynote speakers on modularity: Takahiro Fujimoto, Kyo Chul Kang, and Steven P. Reiss. Takahiro will talk about the spectrum of architectural modularity and integrality from the perspectives of manufacturing management; Kang will talk about modularity in the context of product line variability; and Steven will talk about modularity in modern applications and tools to support it.
Proceeding Downloads
Reify your collection queries for modularity and speed!
Modularity and efficiency are often contradicting requirements, such that programers have to trade one for the other. We analyze this dilemma in the context of programs operating on collections. Performance-critical code using collections need often to ...
Supporting data aspects in pig latin
In this paper we apply the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) paradigm to Pig Latin, a dataflow language for cloud computing, used primarily for the analysis of massive data sets. Missing from Pig Latin is support for cross-cutting data concerns. Data, ...
KFusion: optimizing data flow without compromising modularity
Programming language support for multi-core architectures introduces a fundamentally new mechanism for modularity---a kernel. Though it can be used as a means to separate concerns, a kernel is given a clean slate of memory at execution time. As a ...
Reactive behavior in object-oriented applications: an analysis and a research roadmap
Reactive applications are difficult to implement. Traditional solutions based on event systems and the Observer pattern have a number of inconveniences, but programmers bear them in return for the benefits of OO design. On the other hand, reactive ...
Enhancing design models with composition properties: a software maintenance study
A considerable part of software design is dedicated for the composition of two or more modules. The implication is that changes made later in the implementation often require some reasoning about module composition properties. However, these properties ...
Model-driven adaptive delegation
Model-Driven Security is a specialization of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) that focuses on making security models productive, i.e., enforceable in the final deployment. Among the variety of models that have been studied in a MDE perspective, one can ...
Refactoring delta-oriented software product lines
Delta-oriented programming (DOP) is an implementation approach to develop software product lines (SPL). Delta-oriented SPLs evolve over time due to new or changed requirements and need to be maintained to retain their value. Refactorings have been ...
Modular specification and checking of structural dependencies
Checking a software's structural dependencies is a line of research on methods and tools for analyzing, modeling and checking the conformance of source code w.r.t. specifications of its intended static structure. Existing approaches have focused on the ...
Using roles to model crosscutting concerns
In object oriented languages the problem of crosscutting concerns, due to limitations in the composition mechanisms, is recurrent. In order to reduce this problem we propose to use roles as a way of composing classes that extends the Object Oriented ...
Aggregation for implicit invocations
- Sebastian Frischbier,
- Alessandro Margara,
- Tobias Freudenreich,
- Patrick Eugster,
- David Eyers,
- Peter Pietzuch
Implicit invocations are a popular mechanism for exchanging information between software components without binding these strongly. This decoupling is particularly important in distributed systems when interacting components are not known until runtime. ...
Specification and verification of event detectors and responses
Events and aspects that respond to them can and should be defined, specified, and verified in a modular way, as an aid in understanding and guaranteeing the correctness of each on its own. However, finding the appropriate interfaces and abstractions and ...
Past expression: encapsulating pre-states at post-conditions by means of AOP
Providing a pair of pre and post-condition for a method or a procedure is a typical way of program specification. When specifying a post-condition, it is often necessary to compare the post-state value of a variable with its pre-state value. To access a ...
A pointcut language for setting advanced breakpoints
In interactive debugging, it is an essential task to set breakpoints specifying where a program should be suspended at runtime to allow interaction. A debugging session may use multiple logically related breakpoints so that the sequence of their (de)...
Secure and modular access control with aspects
Can access control be fully modularized as an aspect? Most proposals for aspect-oriented access control are limited to factoring out access control checks, still relying on a non-modular and ad hoc infrastructure for permission checking. Recently, we ...
A typed monadic embedding of aspects
We describe a novel approach to embed pointcut/advice aspects in a typed functional programming language like Haskell. Aspects are first-class, can be deployed dynamically, and the pointcut language is extensible. Type soundness is guaranteed by ...
On exceptions, events and observer chains
Modular understanding of behaviors and flows of exceptions may help in their better use and handling. Such reasoning tasks about exceptions face unique challenges in event-based implicit invocation (II) languages that allow subjects to implicitly invoke ...
Method slots: supporting methods, events, and advices by a single language construct
To simplify the constructs that programmers have to learn for using paradigms, we extend methods to a new language construct, a method slot, to support both the event-handler paradigm and the aspect paradigm. A method slot is an object's property that ...
Context traits: dynamic behaviour adaptation through run-time trait recomposition
Context-oriented programming emerged as a new paradigm to support fine-grained dynamic adaptation of software behaviour according to the context of execution. Though existing context-oriented approaches permit the adaptation of individual methods, in ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Aspect-oriented software development
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
MODULARITY '14 | 60 | 21 | 35% |
AOSD '12 | 79 | 20 | 25% |
Overall | 139 | 41 | 29% |