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View all- Hohenstein UMahabaleswar MShumaiev KSchroff D(2023)A Flexible Approach for Solving Quality Issues by Means of Collecting Runtime Data2023 International Conference on Software and System Engineering (ICoSSE)10.1109/ICoSSE58936.2023.00014(30-37)Online publication date: Apr-2023
- Menezes BMartins ARocha T(2021)A Two-Level Approach Based on Model Checking to Support Architecture Conformance CheckingFormal Methods: Foundations and Applications10.1007/978-3-030-92137-8_1(1-16)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2021
- Rocha HDurelli RTerra RBessa SValente M(2017)DCL 2.0: modular and reusable specification of architectural constraintsJournal of the Brazilian Computer Society10.1186/s13173-017-0061-z23:1Online publication date: 16-Aug-2017
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