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Sparse hashing for fast multimedia search

Published: 17 May 2013 Publication History


Hash-based methods achieve fast similarity search by representing high-dimensional data with compact binary codes. However, both generating binary codes and encoding unseen data effectively and efficiently remain very challenging tasks. In this article, we focus on these tasks to implement approximate similarity search by proposing a novel hash based method named sparse hashing (SH for short). To generate interpretable (or semantically meaningful) binary codes, the proposed SH first converts original data into low-dimensional data through a novel nonnegative sparse coding method. SH then converts the low-dimensional data into Hamming space (i.e., binary encoding low-dimensional data) by a new binarization rule. After this, training data are represented by generated binary codes. To efficiently and effectively encode unseen data, SH learns hash functions by taking a-priori knowledge into account, such as implicit group effect of the features in training data, and the correlations between original space and the learned Hamming space. SH is able to perform fast approximate similarity search by efficient bit XOR operations in the memory of a modern PC with short binary code representations. Experimental results show that the proposed SH significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques.


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    ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 31, Issue 2
    May 2013
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    Published: 17 May 2013
    Accepted: 01 February 2013
    Revised: 01 August 2012
    Received: 01 March 2012
    Published in TOIS Volume 31, Issue 2


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