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A review of path planning and mapping technologies for autonomous mobile robot systems

Published: 23 January 2012 Publication History


This paper presents a review of various technologies for autonomous movement of a robot. Path planning is the process of generating a collision free path to the goal. Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) is the process of creating a map of the environment while at same time localizing in the same map. Path planning and SLAM are critical for autonomous movement of the robot. This papers discusses different kinds of algorithms for path planning. This paper also describes the methods to incorporate the non-holomic constraints of a robot in the solution. Metrical map generating approaches, qualitative map generating approaches and hybrid map generating approaches for SLAM are also discussed.


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COMPUTE '12: Proceedings of the 5th ACM COMPUTE Conference: Intelligent & scalable system technologies
January 2012
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Published: 23 January 2012


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  1. SLAM
  2. anytime search algorithm
  3. hippocampus
  4. hybrid map
  5. incremental search algorithm
  6. localization
  7. mapping
  8. path planning
  9. topological map


  • Research-article


Compute '12
  • ACM Pune Professional Chapter

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