Cited By
View all- Choi SZage DChoe YWasilow B(2015)Physically Unclonable Digital IDProceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services10.1109/MobServ.2015.24(105-111)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2015
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of physical as well as virtual objects (each with networking capabilities incorporated) that are interconnected to exchange and collect information locally or remotely over the Internet. Since ...
Device identity management and authentication are one of the critical and primary security challenges in IoT. In order to decrease the IoT attack surface and provide protection from security threats such as introduction of fake IoT nodes and identity ...
Connected devices are deployed at a rapid rate and in broad domains like home automation or industry, forming the Internet of Things. Those devices need to be secure and trusted to prevent malicious use. However some connected devices are low-cost, memory ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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