Cited By
View all- Poisel RRybnicek MTjoa S(2014)Taxonomy of Data Fragment Classification TechniquesDigital Forensics and Cyber Crime10.1007/978-3-319-14289-0_6(67-85)Online publication date: 23-Dec-2014
Historical manuscript dating has always been an important challenge for historians but since countless manuscripts have become digitally available recently, the pattern recognition community has started addressing the dating problem as well. In this ...
A texture based approach for offline, text-independent, writer identification.Texture measures computed from small writing fragments rather than blocks of text.Generic, script-independent approach applied to English and Arabic handwritings.High ...
This paper 1 presents an enhanced approach for writer identification from offline Arabic handwriting samples in text-independent mode. Based on the hypothesis that graphical fragments in handwriting are individual, we propose a technique based on ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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