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Iterative temporal motion planning for hybrid systems in partially unknown environments

Published: 08 April 2013 Publication History


This paper considers the problem of motion planning for a hybrid robotic system with complex and nonlinear dynamics in a partially unknown environment given a temporal logic specification. We employ a multi-layered synergistic framework that can deal with general robot dynamics and combine it with an iterative planning strategy. Our work allows us to deal with the unknown environmental restrictions only when they are discovered and without the need to repeat the computation that is related to the temporal logic specification. In addition, we define a metric for satisfaction of a specification. We use this metric to plan a trajectory that satisfies the specification as closely as possible in cases in which the discovered constraint in the environment renders the specification unsatisfiable. We demonstrate the efficacy of our framework on a simulation of a hybrid second-order car-like robot moving in an office environment with unknown obstacles. The results show that our framework is successful in generating a trajectory whose satisfaction measure of the specification is optimal. They also show that, when new obstacles are discovered, the reinitialization of our framework is computationally inexpensive.


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HSCC '13: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control
April 2013
378 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 April 2013


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  1. formal synthesis
  2. motion planning
  3. temporal logic


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HSCC '13
HSCC '13: Computation and Control
April 8 - 11, 2013
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

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HSCC '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 40 of 86 submissions, 47%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 153 of 373 submissions, 41%


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