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View all- Diwan ARoy B(2017)On Colouring Point Visibility GraphsAlgorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics10.1007/978-3-319-53007-9_14(156-165)Online publication date: 26-Jan-2017
Two vertices of a simple polygon P are visible if the line segment joining them does not intersect the exterior of P. The visibility graph of P is a graph G obtained by representing each vertex of P by a vertex of G and two vertices of G are joined by ...
We study empty pseudo-triangles in a set P of n points in the plane, where an empty pseudo-triangle has its vertices at the points of P, and no points of P lie inside. We give bounds on the minimum and maximum number of empty pseudo-triangles. If P lies ...
Let P be a set of n points in general position in the plane. In 1996, Urabe considered a partition of P into subsets S 1 S l such that each S i forms a hole (or an empty convex polygon) of P and these holes are mutually disjoint. Let f ( P ) be the ...
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