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View all- Belej OKolesnyk K(2020)APPLYING SMARTPHONES FOR POSITIONING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOMComputer Design Systems. Theory and Practice10.23939/cds2020.01.0111:1(11-18)Online publication date: 2020
- Pierdicca RMarques-Pita MPaolanti MMalinverni E(2019)IoT and Engagement in the Ubiquitous MuseumSensors10.3390/s1906138719:6(1387)Online publication date: 21-Mar-2019
- Ramdani NZeinalipour-Yazti DKaramousadakis MPanayides A(2019)Towards Robust Methods for Indoor Localization using Interval Data2019 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)10.1109/MDM.2019.00-12(403-408)Online publication date: Jun-2019
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