Cited By
View all- Qin YShen SWu QDai HJia Y(2015)Complementary Synthesis for Encoder with Flow Control MechanismACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems10.1145/279407921:1(1-26)Online publication date: 2-Dec-2015
Complementary synthesis automatically generates an encoder's decoder with the assumption that the encoder's all input variables can always be uniquely determined by its output symbol sequence. However, to prevent the faster encoder from overwhelming the ...
Upon receiving the output sequence streaming from a sequential encoder, a decoder reconstructs the corresponding input sequence that streamed to the encoder. Such an encoding and decoding scheme is commonly encountered in communication, cryptography, ...
The control of energy consumption in mobile devices is very important and is being paid more and more attentions to. An effective way to reduce the energy consumption of video decoding is to reduce the computational complexity of the video decoder. This ...
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