Cited By
View all- Vieira da Silva FRoman NCarvalho A(2020)Stock market tweets annotated with emotionsCorpora10.3366/cor.2020.020315:3(343-354)Online publication date: Nov-2020
The influence of news on financial markets has been studied by extracting opinions and sentiment from text using content analysis and natural language processing techniques, and then using this measure to estimate the impact of ...
While most work in sentiment analysis in the financial domain has focused on the use of content from traditional finance news, in this work we concentrate on more subjective sources of information, blogs. We aim to automatically determine the sentiment ...
We study the integrated operational and financial hedging decisions faced by a global firm who sells to both home and foreign markets. Production occurs either at a single facility located in one of the markets or at two facilities, one in each market. ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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