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Theory and practice in ux research: uneasy bedfellows?

Published: 27 April 2013 Publication History


We believe that it is time to talk about user experience and its theoretical roots as well as about the relationship between theory and practice in UX research. Although user experience is overused as a buzzword, it defines a main step change in the evolvement of the HCI field and deserves a proper (theoretical) attention. Within this panel we follow up on discussions on the theoretical foundations and the value of theory for HCI and UX research from over the last years. In particular we want to go a step further and strengthen the interdisciplinary dialogue on the relationship between theory and practice when talking about user experience. We invited panelists from academia and industry to join a fruitful dialogue talking about the different perspectives on user experience, theoretical roots, and the relevance of theory for practice and vice versa. Two moderators will ensure that the audience gets their beliefs and thoughts across to the panelists as well.


Bassoli, A., Brewer, J. and Martin, K. In-between theory and practice: dialogues in design research. In CHI EA '07. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2007), 1691--1696.
Blythe, M., Wright, P., McCarthy, J. and Bertelsen, O.W. Theory and method for experience centered design. In Proc. CHI EA '06. ACM, Press, NY, USA, (2006) 1691--1694.
Carroll, J.M. (Ed.). HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks. Towards a Multidisciplinary Science. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2003.
Fallman, D. The new good: exploring the potential of philosophy of technology to contribute to human-computer interaction. In Proc. CHI '11. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2011), 1051--1060.
Fuchs, C., and Obrist, M. HCI and society: Towards a typology of universal design principles. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(6), (2010), 638--656.
Gaver, W. Learning from Experience: The Humble Role of Theory in Practice-Based Research. CHI'06 Workshop position paper for Theory and method for experience centered design, 2006.
Harper, R., Rodden, T., Rogers, Y., and Sellen, A, (Eds). Being Human: Human-Computer Interaction in the Year 2020. Microsoft Research Ltd., Cambridge, 2008.
Hartson, H. R., and Pyla, P. S. The UX Book: Process and Guidelines for Ensuring a Quality User Experience. Morgan Kaufman, 2012.
Kuutti, K. Where are the Ionians of user experience research?. In Proc. NordiCHI '10. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2010), 715--718.
Obrist, M., Roto, V., Vermeeren, A., Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K., Law, E.L-C., Kuutti, K. In Search of Theoretical Foundations for UX Research and Practice. In Proc. CHI EA '12. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2012), 1979--1984.
Obrist, M., Law, E. L.-C., Vainio-Mattila, K. V., Roto, V.; Vermeeren, A. and Kuutti, K. UX Research: What Theoretical Roots Do We Build On -- If Any? Special Interest Group at CHI2011. In Proc. CHI EA '11. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2011), 165--168.
Rogers, Y. HCI Theory: Classical, Modern, and Contemporary. Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012.
Wright, P., and McCarthy J. Experience-Centered Design: Designers, Users, and Communities in Dialogue. Synthesis Lectures in Human-Centered Informatics. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010.

Cited By

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  • (2021)A Pedagogy of Its Own: Building A UX Research ProgramPracticing Anthropology10.17730/0888-4552.43.2.1743:2(17-21)Online publication date: 31-Mar-2021
  • (2020)Articulating ExperienceProceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3313831.3376664(1-14)Online publication date: 21-Apr-2020

Index Terms

  1. Theory and practice in ux research: uneasy bedfellows?



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHI EA '13: CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    April 2013
    3360 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 27 April 2013

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    Author Tags

    1. design practice
    2. dialogue
    3. interdisciplinary
    4. practice
    5. relationship theory-practice
    6. theoretical roots.
    7. theory
    8. user experience


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    Cited By

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    • (2021)A Pedagogy of Its Own: Building A UX Research ProgramPracticing Anthropology10.17730/0888-4552.43.2.1743:2(17-21)Online publication date: 31-Mar-2021
    • (2020)Articulating ExperienceProceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3313831.3376664(1-14)Online publication date: 21-Apr-2020

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